Friday, October 18, 2013

Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley: Keep Occupied in October

The middle of October seems like an uneventful time. Students at Berkeley University have fully settled into their class and study routine, and Halloween – that wild and crazy holiday of the year – is a little more than a week away. But the middle of October only seems uneventful. You may not be aware of what’s going on…right in your neighborhood. The gang at Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley has some suggestions.

If you are reading in the afternoon, and could go for some live music tonight, stop on down to The JazzSchool (at 2087 Addison St.) at 8:00 for a concert featuring triple-threat musical talent Claudia Gomez (singer, guitarist and composer). Having at one time been a fixture in the Bay Area music scene, Ms. Gomez has specialized in blending traditional Latin American music with some elements of jazz – resulting in a most unique sound. For more information, call (510) 845-5373, or visit the event website by clicking here.

One interesting fact about October is that this is the month where marathons and walkathons of all varieties take place. For one that is all out fun, check out the “Let's Go 510!: The East Bay's 10k,” which is sponsored by Brazen Racing and Represent Running. Beginning tomorrow at 10:00 am and “running” till 1:00pm, the Golden Gate Fields (1100 Eastshore Frontage Rd.) will serve as the location for runners, joggers and sprinter of all ages. To learn more (and to register if you’re up for it), go to the “Let's Go 510!: The East Bay's 10k” website. Just be aware that online registration ends tonight (but you can still register tomorrow in person). Happy running to those of you who accept this challenge!

You may have heard the phrase “according to Hoyle,” which means being in agreement with the highest authority. Well, on Sunday night, Berkeley will witness its own “according to Hoyle” in the person of Dan Hoyle, a performance artist who will present “The Real Americans,” taking place at The Marsh (2120 Allston Way). In this one-man show, Mr. Hoyle (a native of San Francisco) recounts his 100-day journey through small town America. Humor, drama, and song reflect the insights into the sometimes differing and confusing points of view of a cross-section of the USA. If interested in some live (not to mention lively) theatre, call (415) 282-3055 for ticket information.

Remember to keep your eyewear (glasses or contact lenses) clean and polished if you attending any of these shows. If you are taking in Saturday’s race (as a participant or viewer), keep your sunglasses with you. (You want to be able to see what’s going on, right?)

Well, so much for the seemingly uneventful time of mid-October. Just remember that there are always interesting places and events to visit. You just have to keep your sights out for them…

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