Friday, October 25, 2013

Site For Sore Eyes Berkeley – Colored Contacts, Funky Frames, and Cool Shades for Halloween

So unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past three weeks, you are probably preparing for one of the best holidays ever – Halloween. We at Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley know it’s coming too. The leaves are changing colors, we start craving apple pies and candy corn, and everyone’s bushes seem to have been taken over by spider webs. Unless you are a total witch (pardon the pun) the kid inside of you will undoubtedly come out during the last few days of October.

Everyone has their Halloween traditions, whether it is trick or treating, going to a party, or just sitting on the couch watching horror movies. One thing that will never change though is the number of people who dress up to go out on Halloween. People toil over their costume ideas anywhere from three weeks to one hour before they head out for their evening festivities, and every year the costumes seem to get better and better.

One costume accessory that has really grown in popularity in recent years is colored contact lenses. Nowadays, colored contact lenses come in a variety of different colors (white, black, purple, orange, pink) and designs (cat’s eyes, dragon’s eyes, checkered), and some even have pictures and logos (Batman, spiders, Android, Hello Kitty). Christian Dior has even created his own sparkly, gold-trimmed contact lenses (emblazoned with his logo, of course).

Colored contact lenses are definitely one of the best ways to really complete your look and make others jealous of your awesome costume.

These lenses can be created with or without a prescription. Most of these contacts can even be reused for up to a year with proper care.  Now you can wear pink leopard print contact lenses every day! Better yet, you can order different colored lenses for every holiday. You could buy blue and silver for Hanukkah, green and red for Christmas, or American Flag lenses for the Fourth of July!  The number of available designs seems almost endless, and no matter where you look, you will be sure to find the pair that is perfect for the occasion you are celebrating or the character you are dressing up as.

If you haven’t worn contacts or are worried that colored lenses won’t work with your prescription, don’t hesitate to stop into a Site for Sore Eyes location and speak with one of our vision care specialists. With their expertise, you will be the best dressed this Halloween, colored contacts included.

Before we sign-off for Halloween, we would be remiss if we did not acknowledge and salute other eyewear that can complement your costume. If costume contacts are not your thing, you can still get some great mileage out of a unique set of frames. There are the classic black-rimmed frames (that usually have bushy eyebrows glued to the top, with a rubber nose underneath, and of course there is the Austin Powers look (need we say more).

You can never go wrong with a killer pair of shades (also known as sunglasses). From the small and sleek dark lenses (think “The Matrix”), to the classic Ray Ban wayfarers (think of everyone from “The Blues Brothers” to the “Men in Black” agents), this eyewear is always a great accessory while on your Halloween haunting. (Just be VERY careful if you wear them outside at night. We don’t want you tripping over anything that goes bump in the night.)

And with those words of wisdom, have a happy and healthy Halloween! 

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