Friday, October 11, 2013

Site for Sore Eyes and Eye Openers at Vision Expo West

Last week, an event equivalent of the World’s Fair to eye care professionals took place in Las Vegas. This acclaimed ‘sin city’ to many was Heaven on earth to opticians, optometrists and retailers who attended the International Vision Expo & Conference. Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley, along with many other eye care establishments, watched with eagerness and delight at the events and innovations that took place… from cutting edge technology to the latest trends and products, to networking opportunities.

From the business point of view, optical consultant Jay Binkowitz presented an analysis that covered costs, both optical and operational. By specifically breaking down and isolating how money is earned (lenses, frames, contact lenses) as well as how spent (staff salary, promotions), optical professionals gained a clearer idea of the direction their business, and what changes to make (if necessary).

New and revolutionary products (or, the fun stuff) was on display and demonstrated at the Eye2 Zone (read E-squared Zone). You would not believe some of the products that are at the forefront of technology, because WE could hardly believe it! Some of these (literally and figuratively) visionary products ranged from eyewear to help athletes see sharper, to sunglasses that have high-definition video cameras built into them.

Regardless if it was a business talk, the unveiling of a new product, or a lecture on eye health, every event at the Vision Expo & Conference pointed to the personalization for each and every customer seeking eye care. Retailers need to highlight branding that is (believe it or not) – emotional. Customers are not only seeking quality eyewear but they want to feel comfortable in the setting where their needs will be met. We at Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley pride ourselves on treating the customer right. Whether you’re coming in for an eye exam, fitting, or to check out a hot-looking pair of sunglasses, we appreciate your business and consider you a dear neighbor.

For more detailed info on what went on at the Vision Expo & Conference, click here.

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