Friday, October 4, 2013

Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley: Home Eye Safety Month

Your home is your sanctuary, your place to relax. You come home from work, throw on some sweats, grab some leftovers and make your way to the couch to catch this week’s results of “Dancing with the Stars.” What many people don’t know is that around your house there are dangers lurking… everywhere!

According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, almost 50% of all eye injuries occur when you are at home. That is more eye injuries than happen while at work or school combined! These potential risks to your eyes are everywhere; you just don’t see them (pardon the irony). Simple daily tasks such as cooking, cleaning, small home repairs and yard work all pose a significant threat to the safety of your eyes. You may be thinking that the majority of these at home eye-related injuries happen while performing outside chores, but more than two-thirds of these injuries take place in the kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, living or family room. (These probably account for the majority of rooms in your house.)

Most necessary household activities do pose a potential risk for eye injury. Here are a few tips on how to avoid these injuries:

Chemicals and Cleaners
Make sure to read labels carefully! Annually, 125,000 eye injuries are caused by products such as oven cleaner, bleach and insect repellent. Also make sure to never mix household cleaners and chemicals. The fumes can be harmful to your eyes (as well as your body) and can result in permanent loss of vision or even death. No one wants that. When using household cleaners, make sure the nozzle is facing in the direction you want to spray, and that no one is near where you are spraying these cleaners.

In the Kitchen
Grease and hot oil cause numerous injuries each and every year. Make sure you shield your pots and pans with a splatter lid or shield when cooking. Also, make sure to never use knives or other sharp utensils other than as directed. In a split second, a slip with one of these tools can have a lifelong damaging effect on your vision.

Working in the Yard or Garage
Make sure when using a lawn mower or any other power tools to clear the area of screws, nails and debris. Power tools will instantly turn these into projectiles that can potentially do lots of harm, not only to your eyes, but to anything or anyone else they may hit. Always wear safety goggles when performing these types of tasks in the yard. If others are working close by, make sure they are wearing a pair of safety goggles as well.

If You Have Children…
Keeping a vigilant eye on children can help avoid any potential eye injuries. Many children suffer eye injuries from playing with tools and objects that are intended for grown-ups or adult-supervised use. Make sure these items are in a place that children cannot easily access. Also watch out for small toys 

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