Friday, September 27, 2013

Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley Says ‘So Long’ to September

September came and went with the blink of an eye. It seems that the beginning of the school year at Berkeley University was only yesterday. All of us at Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley watched from our store window as students walked or ran through Constitution Square with great excitement. This is as familiar an event to us as kids who trick or treat on Halloween, but it never gets old. With that in mind, allow us to tell you about what look to be memorable events for this final weekend of September.

You can watch a space fantasy movie any night. Tonight, treat yourself to an exciting event: ‘Supernova: the David Brower Center’s 5th Anniversary Extravaganza’. Named for Berkeley native and a pioneer of the region’s modern environmental movement, The David Brower Center is dedicated to renewable and sustainable energy. (Did you know that it is the “greenest building” in Berkeley?) Tonight, it will be home to a fantasy world for feasting the senses – on visions, music and sounds, as well as food and drink – of an intergalactic kind. This out-of-world evening is only a short trip to 2150 Allston Way. Call (510) 486-0286 to find out more. (Oh, since we’re on the topic of ‘feasting your senses,’ remember to wear your eyeglasses or contact lenses. From the look of this event, you’ll want to see everything as clearly as possible. Hey, if you have a wild-looking pair of sunglasses, wear them – you’ll fit right in!)

If you are not able to attend tonight’s blast at the David Brower Center, or are not into the fantasy and galactic scene, but that still want to do something fun and interesting, the Freight & Salvage Coffeehouse may be the answer. Tomorrow at 10:00 am, the Coffeehouse will present ‘West Coast Live,’ featuring a variety of authors, musicians and actors who will gather for two hours of (respectively) conversation, music and play. Tickets go from $5 (for anyone under the age of 18), $15 (advance), to $20 (at the door). The Freight & Salvage Coffee House is located at 2020 Addison St., and you can reach them at (510) 644-2020 for more information.

If you are feeling charitable, and would like to volunteer your time, consider attending the ‘K to College Berkeley Volunteer Event’ this Sunday morning, September 29th. Beginning at 10:00 am at the Chevron Auditorium at Berkeley University’s International House (corner of Piedmont Avenue and Bancroft Way), all those volunteering will be do assembly-line work, putting together school supply kits and dental kits. These kits are then going to be distributed to students in the Berkeley Public School System who are eligible for the free and reduced lunch program. If you have the time to spare and would like to show some community support, give a call to (510) 569-5862. Thanks to all those who volunteer and for making a difference!

We at Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley hope we’ve given you some suggestions in making this a September to remember.

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