Friday, February 8, 2013

Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley Provides Six Reasons Why Sunglasses Make the Perfect Valentine’s Day Gift

With only a week left before Valentine’s Day, you may find yourself wondering what gift you should buy for your significant other. Well, look no further than Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley because we’ve already got the answer for you – and if you actually think about it, it’s a fairly obvious choice:

The perfect Valentine’s Day gift is a brand new pair of chic, dependable sunglasses.

Why sunglasses?  Here are six good reasons:

1)      You want a gift that’s trendy, something that’s fashionable, something that will make him/her look sexy and cool and even somewhat mysterious (but in a good way). Honestly, who doesn't look better with sunglasses on?

2)      Sunglasses give you confidence – it’s a simple fact. When you’re wearing sunglasses, no one can see your eyes, but you can see theirs, and that gives you the upper hand. Anonymity feels good, especially when it’s achieved with a socially acceptable fashion accessory.

3)      You can wear them just about anywhere, while doing just about anything: walking, running, swimming, or barbequing. Whoever said “You can’t wear sunglasses indoors or at night” has clearly never been to a college dance party at midnight. Let’s be real: if anyone knows how to look cool, it’s college kids.

4)      Buying your significant other a nice pair of sunglasses shows that you, the gift-giver, are cool. Neckties are way too formal, and chocolates are way too ordinary. But a pair of sunglasses says, “I know what you want. I know what’s cool. I’m not some boring gift-giver. You can count on me.”

5)      Does your significant other drive a car on a regular basis? Have you ever tried to drive down the freeway on a sunny day in San Francisco? Good luck getting anywhere without a pair of sunglasses! On a bright, sunny day, every car in your immediate area is a huge mirror, reflecting the sunlight directly into your eyes from every imaginable angle. Sunroofs will do no good here; your only option is to squint or go blind.

6)      Ultraviolet is one of the highest energy forms of light, and high intensity exposure can be hazardous. Lack of protection can lead to photokeratitis, pterygium, and pinguecula formation. We won’t go into the specifics of these diseases, but if they’re hard to pronounce, then they’re probably bad. If you care about the health and well-being of your loved one, you should give some serious thought to protective eyewear.

As you can see, sunglasses are simply the perfect Valentine’s Day gift if you want your significant other to be cool, classy, confident, and pinguecula-free.

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