Friday, February 1, 2013

Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley Counsels on Wise Buys for Health

We all know that certain single days of the year get recognition. Halloween is October 31st, Christmas is December 25th, and in two weeks it will be Valentine’s Day. Were you aware, however, that entire months are devoted to particular subjects, causes, and benefits? Apropos of this, Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley would like to salute Wise Health Consumer Month on this first day of February.

Sponsored by the American Institute for Preventive Medicine, the focus of Wise Health Consumer Month is finding the best deals and values when shopping for health-related products. This is not as easy as it sounds, because if you buy bargain-priced items, your wallet may be healthy but you could short-change yourself.

Weighing money against quality when it comes to eye care is particularly tricky, since eyeglasses, contact lenses, prescription sunglasses, and other vision-related products are not particularly cheap. If you do an online search for “prescription vs. drugstore glasses,” for instance, you will get many answers from just as many forums and panels. Consider some opinions on Ask MetaFilter. One person posted that using drugstore eyeglasses was like wearing magnifying glasses; things look bigger, but there is a loss in focus. (A trip to a professional optician is in order for this individual.) Another said that his wife needed glasses and was recommended to get the drugstore brand – by her eye doctor, it should be noted. (Lucky lady – she has very minor trouble with her vision.)

The moral of this week’s blog is: find out what is right for you. The first step is checking out how healthy your vision is. Make an appointment for an eye exam. This is the least costly part of eye care health, and may save you a lot of trouble (not to mention money) in the future. The results of this exam will determine if your vision is fine, if you need to get glasses, or if your current prescription needs upgrading. (Don’t skimp on this! Make the investment to get a professionally crafted pair of lenses, with a sturdy, reliable frame.) If money is a concern, find out if there are any payment options, and don’t forget to check your newspaper or the web for any coupons or discounts your local optical store may have. If you’re one of the lucky ones who is not in need of eyeglasses, congrats and count your blessings that you have 20/20 vision! But don’t ignore the importance of that yearly eye exam. That “ounce of prevention” will save you not only money, but the health of your eyesight.

So, as Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley welcomes the month of February, follow the wisdom of Wise Health Consumer Month, and make an extra effort at balancing your health and your finances, so that both will stay equally healthy and strong.

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