Friday, February 15, 2013

Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley and February Fun

Did those who celebrate have a nice Valentine’s Day? Whether you wish to continue the holiday into the weekend, or are simply looking for something new and interesting, we at Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley have some suggestions of what’s brewing in Berkeley. February may be the shortest month of the calendar year, but there are many events and happenings – even at the halfway point.

Looking to mix some laughs with your love? Then reserve tickets tonight at the Berkeley Black Repertory Group Theater for their one night performance of Love & Laugh, presented by GoBaby Productions. Remember, this is shows tonight only, and only those of you who read this blog today will have the chance to see it. Call (510) 316-8047 for tickets.

For those who are single, seek a chance on romance at the Blue Jean Ball Singles Dance, taking place on Saturday night, February 16 (i.e., tomorrow) at Spengler’s Banquet Ballroom of Spengler’s Fresh Fish Grotto. True to the title of this event, dress informally (but neatly), in your coolest pair of blue jeans. And while we are on the topic of casual appearances, and since this is a vision-based blog, you can feel perfectly at ease wearing your eyeglasses if you choose to bust a move. Before the dance cards fill up, reserve your space by calling (510) 925 4392.

If you’re in a transcendental frame of being, you still have a couple of Sunday nights to visit the Tibetan Nyingma Institute, for the “Integrating Body, Breath, and Mind, Free Lecture Series. (Yes, free, as in you don’t pay anything.) For more information, call (510) 809-1000. This could give you more of an idea of that connection of “the eyes being the windows to the soul.”

We conclude this list with an event that you can imagine is a personal favorite of us opticians. Beginning Thursday, February 21st, the Kala Gallery presents “Actual Scale,” a group exhibition which examines visual contrasts in everything from sculpture, video and photography, among others. This promises to be an optical symphony (to coin a phrase), and, if we may say, serve as a reminder to appreciate what our eyes are capable of seeing, processing, and understanding. Find out more by calling (510) 549-2977.

Quite a lot going, isn’t there? For a list of more events, visit San Francisco Chronicle, and discover everything the town of Berkeley has to offer (and within only a two-week period, at that).

Regardless of whether you choose to see a play, go dancing, or visit an exhibit, remember that events like these are vision-centered. If you wear glasses or contact lenses, keep your prescription up to date. Even though some of the happenings listed above are taking place within the next couple of days, make it a point to schedule an eye exam in the near future.

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