Friday, January 25, 2013

Back to School Advice from Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley

To all of you students still on break…sorry to remind you, but, come Monday, school is back in session. Don’t kill the messengers at Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley for bringing this to your attention. The days of sleeping late are coming to a close, and it’s time to wake up, rub your eyes, and get back to class.

We expect to see some of you who happen to attend the University of Berkeley drop by. We know during winter break, you just want to relax, and not be bothered with schoolwork or practicalities – like health. First things first, kids. Before you go back to school, get that eye examination that’s recommended annually, so that you can truly see what’s going on in class. If need be, upgrade the prescription for your eyeglasses, contact lenses or sunglasses. (If you drive to school, sunglasses are a must – not just to jazz up your look, but to cut the glare of the sun as you navigate those Northern California streets.)
Are you going back to school by way of airplane? Then definitely keep your eyes moist, since the air inside an airplane gets very dry, very quickly.
As you ease back into your studies, don’t forget to take an occasional and short (and we do mean “occasional” and “short”) break from staring at whatever lessons or homework you may have displayed on your computer monitor. Your eyes, (not to mention your mind), will be better focused on your studies.
We suggest you either print out or bookmark this short list of how to take care of your vision. But don’t take this as a substitute for getting your eyes checked! Take some time before you check in to school to check in to your local eye care center. Trust us; this is a lesson well worth learning.

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