Friday, January 31, 2014

Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley Sets Up for the Super Bowl

A good part of the nation will be tuned in to the Super Bowl this Sunday night, and some of the staff of Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley will be included in that large percentage. Even those who are not big football fans will have their attention on this annual sporting event. Great plays and touchdowns, eagerly-awaited commercials, and the half-time show by a famous musician and band (this year it’s the Red Hot Chili Peppers) all contribute to the electricity and excitement of this one night.

As the anticipation builds for Sunday’s big game, we’re reminded of a blog from last September that detailed the importance of eye protection in sports, and the measures athletes must take to ensure that their vision is as safe and sound when they leave the playing fields as when they marched on to it. The vision requirements for professional sports are obviously different and more demanding, but remember that some lucky kids who play for fun today…may one day be the next NFL star. Considering that 90% of sports-related eye injuries are preventable, contact lenses or plastic or shatter-resistant eyeglasses are a must for any athlete, regardless of whether they are professional, student or amateur.

And let us not forget the audience. If anyone reading this who has the good fortune to attend the game on the East Coast, be sure to have your glasses freshly polished and at the ready (particularly if you happen to be sitting way, way (…waaayyy) back in the stands. Like most of the country, if you are watching from home, keep your glasses or contacts clean. (If your eyes are very sensitive, consider keeping a small bottle of eye drops on hand. One side effect of all the spicy foods that are served at Super Bowl parties is their tendency to make your eyes red, or eyeglasses steam up – and you don’t want to risk missing that super play.)

With that, we end this short and sweet blog on a festive note. We have some shopping and setting up to do for Sunday night as well.

Enjoy the game!

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