Friday, January 24, 2014

Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley 'Likes' the "Glasses for Noah" FB Page

Many of us have been here at one point. You are sitting in class, squinting and straining your eyes to see the board. You might even have asked your teacher if you could sit closer to the front of the classroom to see. After a while, you probably admitted to yourself that you might need to go to the eye doctor and get a pair of glasses.

Picking out glasses was always something of an arduous task. You probably wanted a fun, thick-rimmed frame or a colored frame, and your parents probably picked out a more conservative, round, wire frame (or even wire framed aviator glasses if you grew up in the 80s and early 90s!). The end result of your trip to the eye doctor was that you were petrified to go to school and wear your glasses in front of the other kids. Unless you were seriously blind, you probably avoided wearing them at all costs.

Surprisingly enough, the stigma around wearing glasses has changed over the past few years. For the most part, lenses have become more stylish and have even turned out to be a great fashion accessory. Children who are in grade school, however, will still encounter those “bullies” who will make fun of them for having to wear glasses. That is exactly what four-year-old Noah Fisher was afraid of when he got his first pair of glasses.

Noah kept telling his parents that he didn’t want to wear his glasses because “everyone will laugh at him.” His parents were saddened about this, so they set out to show Noah that glasses are actually pretty cool. They set up a Facebook page and urged people to send in pictures of them wearing glasses to show Noah that lots of people from all over the world wear glasses. If you haven’t heard about this yet, check out the “Glasses for Noah” Facebook page.

The response was incredible! Within a matter of weeks, “Glasses for Noah” went viral and people from all over the world were sending in pictures and videos of themselves, their family and friends, famous actors, superheroes (and even their pets) wearing glasses. Today, the page is just shy of 90,000 “Likes” with countless numbers of photos still rolling in.

We here at Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley would also like to reaffirm that glasses are cool. People even wear glasses – that have no prescription – as a fashion accessory (because they are clearly jealous of the rest of us who have to wear glasses). Visit Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley if you are still wary about getting your first pair of glasses, and the staff of optometrists and opticians will show you that in the end, they are actually pretty great.

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