Friday, December 14, 2012

Stay Healthy During Final Exams with Tips from Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley

To most, December marks the holiday season, but for students, it is a reminder that ‘final exam season’ has arrived. Textbooks, coffee and term papers occupy their mind, while “having a social life” is placed on the back burner. To make sure that you are both academically prepared and physically healthy, Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley would like to offer you some study tips.

- Take regular breaks.
If you have been studying for over one hour, it’s time for a break! This will give your eyes a chance to rest and your mind will be refreshed so that it can retain the information longer.

- Whether you are studying in your dorm room or school library, good lighting is essential.
According to, “when you are young, your eyes may be able to take the strain of reading in dim light, but many repeats of this behavior could cause irreparable damage down the road.”

- Exercise your eyes!
Since studying holds your eyes in an unnaturally still position for a long period of time, you can exercise your eye muscles by creating up-and-down, side-to-side or a circular motion with your eyes.

- Don’t fill up on junk food and sugary drinks.
When studying, keep eye-healthy foods, such as carrots and blueberries within reach. “The beta-carotene in carrots functions to repair your eyes and the antioxidants in blueberries optimizes eye performance,” according to

Whether you’re a student or not, you can use the tips above from Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley to stay healthy (as well as to avoid any unwanted stress this time of year). If you follow these guidelines, you’re likely to ace your exams (or be the most productive at work) and truly enjoy this cheerful season.

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