Friday, December 21, 2012

Season’s Greetings from Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley…

Well, dear readers, the Christmas holiday is a mere four days away. We at Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley hope that those who celebrate will have a joyous and memorable holiday.

This is a time of hustle and bustle (but happy hustle and bustle, we hope). Despite how organized your Christmas list is, there is always one gift that has to be bought at the last minute. With traffic heavier than usual and crowds galore, the feeling of being busy is heightened.

In this season of gift giving, we wish to remind you that the sense of vision is a gift; one that can easily be taken for granted. And when we hurry around, there is more risk of accidents occurring – even in our own homes.

(Not to sound like the Christmas Spirits of Past, Present and Future, but they haunted Ebenezer Scrooge for his own good, so please, let Site for Sore Eyes do some good for you ­– and we promise not to wake you up at midnight in the process. )

Take care when hanging ornaments; and let’s be honest – who hasn’t dropped a shiny, glittery decoration to have it explode into little (and sharp) pieces? Mind those countless needles on the branches of your Christmas tree are as they pose potential danger, too. Drape the lights around the tree slowly and carefully. And if you have a fireplace and chimney, well – we think you know. And parents – pay hawk-like attention to your kids as they jump, run, and romp in all of their Christmas excitement.

Remember: gifts can be replaced if broken. Replacing your vision is not so easy. Your eyes are powerful, but fragile (no, that is not an Italian word, as fans of A Christmas Story will tell you), so take care of them.

Get the idea? Good – and thanks!

And so, please accept the warmest wishes from Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley. May your contact lenses sparkle, may your eyeglasses shine, and may your Christmas day be safe and sublime!

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