Friday, September 14, 2012

Eye Catching Eye Games from Site for Sore Eyes in Berkeley, CA

Oh, the power of vision! We either take it for granted or do not realize it, but our eyes have more power than we realize. If you’ve ever heard the phrase – “my eyes are playing tricks on me” – guess what? They can and do! If you’re not already been distracted by the image of the multiple spirals below, please scan it now…from left to right, up and down, or diagonally, just casually keep your eyes moving over it. 

Dizzy yet? You may have noticed, either very strongly or very subtly, that these wheels are turning.

Now for the real surprise: this is NOT an animation; your eyes are doing the work, “making” the circles move. Want proof? Stop glancing at the whole graphic, and zero in on one of the small black circles at the center of one of the circles.

Everything stops moving!

Who knew? Your eyes can make things move. (Well, sort of.)

While this trick literally looks cool, it also serves as a reminder of not only the power of your eyesight, but the sensitivity of it. Don’t take vision for granted. The team of Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley cannot stress this enough. It is important to keep your vision as strong as possible by way of a yearly eye exam. We’re not here to wag our finger at you if you’ve neglected to get your vision checked. We just want you to be aware. Maybe it is time to consider eyeglasses. If you already wear glasses or contact lenses, is your prescription up-to-date? You cannot predict if for yourself, and while your eyes play a part in the above magic trick, they cannot diagnose themselves.

We hope you had fun with this little eye puzzle, which was found at Kim L. Cooper, M.D. and where you may find some more optical illusions. Just don’t delude yourself that your eyes are fine! Make your appointment at Site for Sore Eyes, and soon.

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