Monday, March 19, 2012

Protect Your Eyes This Summer

To protect your eyes from harmful UV rays, your sunglasses need to block them, 100 per cent

When choosing your sunglasses, Site for Sore Eyes – Berkeley, CA recommends that you choose frames with a close-fitting style for providing the best protection. 

Did you know there are three categories of UV rays?:

UVC rays: These are the strongest UV rays which have the potential to be the most harmful to your eyes and skin. However, the good news is that the atmosphere's ozone layer blocks almost all of these UVC rays.

UVB rays: These have slightly longer wavelengths and are less strong than UVC rays. Some reach the Earth.

UVA rays: These are the visible rays which have much lower strength than UVB and UVC rays. The important thing to note about UVA rays is that they pass through the cornea and reach the retina, inside your eye.

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