Friday, September 26, 2014

Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley: So Much to Do in September

Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley sings its swan song to September (say THAT fast three times) in our end-of-the-month events blog. Before Halloween-time in October gets here, see what’s up this weekend.

Tonight’s offering combines visual art with environmental awareness in “What Is Missing?” This is a lecture and exhibit given by artist Maya Lin at the David Brower Center at 7:00pm. In what promises to be a thought-provoking evening, Ms. Lin will present her work along with a commentary on the inspiration and meaning behind her art, the theme of which is the world’s natural environment and what we must do to save it. If this sounds like an interesting (not to mention worthwhile) event to you, get down to 2150 Allston Way early, because seating is on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information, call (510) 486-0286. You can also find out more about Maya Lin by visiting her website.

Tomorrow afternoon at 2:00pm, Wine Thieves (it is a store, not a gang that steals wine) will be celebrating the season by hosting a Harvest Festival. For the admission price of $5.00, you can taste some of the latest samples from our neighbors in the Napa and Sonoma wine countries, accompanied by some neat artisan foods. Call (510) 666-0565 for any other details. Side note: We don’t mean to sound preachy, but if you do attend this event, please consider either walking there (hey, it’s local) or taking a cab, bus, or other mode of transport. If you imbibe, do so responsibly.

We end this weekend’s selection of events with a truly impressive example of the culture and creativity that define our city of Berkeley. From noon until 7:00pm, Cesar Chavez Park will be the setting for “A Day on the Water 2.” Sorry to use a cliché, but this event truly has something for everyone! Browse through an “Arts & Crafts Fair” if that’s your thing. Sample some snacks from local eateries if you’re a foodie. There is also laser tag, bubble soccer and video games for the younger set. All of this (and much more) is accompanied by a cross-section of bands that will play a variety of music ranging from Reggae to rock. Sound good? It gets better. Admission is free! So call (510) 677-9425, and be at 11 Spinnaker Way this Sunday afternoon at 12:00pm SHARP.

How’s that for a windup to the week (as well as the month of September)? Now for a word from the sponsors (that’s us at Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley). Polish your eyeglasses if you attend the “What is Missing?” event tonight. (Or keep drops with you for your contacts.) Do the same if you plan on visiting Wine Thieves on Saturday. (Feasting your eyes on the food and drink is part of the feast itself.) And if it is sunny out on Sunday, keep your sunglasses with you if you go to “A Day at the Water 2.” Whatever you choose, these or other weekend happenings, keep your eyewear with you (or on your forehead).

Thanks for reading…enjoy the weekend…and keep your sites on healthy vision.

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