Friday, August 15, 2014

The Dos and Don’ts of Eye Makeup

While many use makeup every day, not much consideration is given to some of the safety risks of using make up to alter the look of our eyes. Here at Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley, we would like to give you some basic tips on the dos and don’ts of eye makeup for your safety.

Don’t: Hold onto eye makeup longer than three months.
Going through any woman’s makeup bag, you’re likely to find makeup that has been bought and used only a few times – and then just left there. While we oftentimes try to get the most “bang for our buck” with expensive beauty products, it is important to remember that these cosmetics go bad. These expired makeup products can be harmful for your health. Experts suggest that makeup should not be kept three months after they've been purchased.

Don’t: Attempt to moisten dried out or clumpy mascara. A mascara tube is a dark, wet environment – the perfect place for bacteria to grow. According to professionals, preservatives in mascara only work for so long, and infections (such as a sty) can develop.

Do: Keep eye cosmetics cool. Keeping cosmetics in a place with high temperatures can allow for a quicker growth of bacteria. Avoid keeping them in a hot car or steamy bathroom.

Do: Skip cosmetics when you have an irritated eye. The irritation may be coming from a cosmetic product and can help stop contamination from spreading to your makeup.

Don’t: Share eye makeup with friends or family. Bacteria can contaminate your cosmetics as well as her cosmetics.

Do: Make sure cosmetic applicators are clean before using. This will help to ensure there are not harmful bacteria near your eyes.

Do: Remove eye makeup (and other makeup) before bed. When sleeping, it is possible for pieces of makeup to make their way into your eyes and cause irritation.

Keeping your eyes safe while wearing eye makeup is very important. Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley would like to remind you to follow these simple tips listed above for safe makeup application and wear. 

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