Friday, August 29, 2014

Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley: Adieu August and So Long to Summer

We at Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley are wishing well to our neighbors in Napa after the recent earthquake. Even here, we felt some reverberations. Stay well. Stay strong. Thoughts are with you.
August, believe it or not, is virtually over (two more days to be exact). Soon, the kids will be back at school, and we expect to see students from Berkeley University walking through Constitutional Square on their way to and from classes. But until then, it is still summer…and there are events to take part in. Here then, is our events blog for August.

If you care to mix entertainment with eats, check out the dinner theatre show at La Peña Cultural Center tonight at 8:00pm, for the appropriately titled “Dinner at Mz. Pat’s House.” Set in what was a well-known “house of ill repute” in Ohio, this Great Depression tale is told through a combination of drama, jazz and cabaret. Written and performed by Jovelyn Richards, “Dinner at Mz. Pat’s House” looks to be an evening of imagination and intrigue. For those of you who visit us on a regular basis, La Peña Cultural Center will be easy to find, because it is located (on our street) at 3105 Shattuck Avenue. Tickets range from $12.00 to $20.00 (the price of dinner is separate), and you can make reservations by calling (510) 849-2568, or by ordering online at Eventbrite.

Have you ever considered trading stocks on the Foreign Exchange Market (a.k.a. FOREX)? If so, you may want to attend an introductory workshop on this topic tomorrow afternoon from noon to 3:00pm at the Starbucks at 2128 Oxford Street. For these three hours, you will learn about NFA brokers, stop loss and limit, stocks vs. FOREX, and risk-to-profit ratios (among other topics). This workshop is currently listed as being free, but you should call Starbucks at (510) 486-1840 to confirm this and to set aside your reservation (if interested). So…sip some coffee and concentrate while you study stocks at Starbucks. (Say THAT fast three times!)

The event that we are covering for Sunday is, alas, sold out. (But hey – it’s Berkeley. Cultural events sell out like hot cakes.) If you want to try your luck, email for details, or to be possibly put on a waiting list in case there is a cancellation. Classical music aficionados – you surely have a favorite CD of your favorite singer or orchestra. (Actually, you may have a favorite album, since vinyl is making a comeback.) Whenever you listen to this music, you may have wondered what it must have been like as these tracks were being put down for posterity. If you’ve ever been curious about what a recording session was like, you will have your chance to find out Sunday at the Maybeck Studio for the Performing Arts as the Delphi Trio plays (and preserves) several classical music selections from their repertoire, beginning at 3:00pm. The Maybeck Studio is located at 1537 Euclid Avenue. (Note: if this interests you, the Delphi Trio is also performing on September 6th. Email for information.)

And so ends another August (and another summer season). We hope that you were able to have some fun in the sun ­– with the protection of sunglasses, of course. (C’mon…you knew that was coming.) Stay tuned for next month’s series of blogs.

Thanks for reading…enjoy the weekend…and keep your sites on healthy vision.

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