Friday, July 18, 2014

Learn How to Protect Your Eyes in the Summer

 While summertime means more time spent outdoors, it is important to remember to always protect your eyes. Studies show that overexposure to sunlight can play a role in the development of cataracts and even possibly macular degeneration. Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley would like to provide you with some tips and tricks to help you protect your eyes this summer.

1.       Wear your sunglasses
      Sunglasses are much more than just a fashion statement. Sunglasses help to protect and block dangerous UV-A and UV-B rays. (Read more about the dangers of UV Rays in a blog from this past May.) UV Rays can have short-term and long-term effects on the eyes. A large amount of exposure (in a small amount of time) can lead to “photokeratitis,” which leaves a sunburn-like effect on the eyes. Studies show that a small amount of exposure over long periods of time can lead to increased chances of developing cataracts and certain type of cancers.

2.       Wear sunscreen and a hat
Wearing sunscreen on your face can help fight against UV rays, which has not only been linked to an increased chance of skin cancer, but also causes wrinkles. Wearing hats will also help to protect your face from UV rays.

3.       Swim without contacts
      For contact lens wearers, opening your eyes underwater can be very dangerous. It can cause bacterial contamination of your eye. This can result in eye infections, irritation, and potentially sight-threatening conditions such as a corneal ulcer.

4.       Drink water
Drinking water not only helps to keep your body hydrated – it keeps your eyes hydrated as well. Being in the sun (and possibly wind) for long periods of time can cause your eyes to dry.

5.       Keep an eye on the ball
Baseballs, Frisbees and volleyballs are all a part summertime fun. Be sure to use protective eyewear when participating in sports this summer (and always, for that matter) in order to help reduce the risk of eye-related injuries.

6.       Schedule an eye exam
Lastly, we would like to remind you to schedule a yearly eye exam! Prevention is the greatest way to keep our eyes healthy!

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