Friday, June 20, 2014

Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley: What’s Going on in June

Welcome, dear readers. How has your summer been so far? We’ve been staying busy. As is typical for the season, sunglasses are a top seller with us (but we digress). What do nostalgia, comics, and gardening have in common? This issue of the Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley monthly events blog, that’s what!

Does the summer invigorate you to the point where you sometimes feel like busting a move and breaking out into a dance of some sort or other? Are you into the music of bygone eras of bygone eras, and wonder what live performances of these infectious rhythms were like? If ‘yes’ to one or both questions, then tonight is your lucky night! For $13 ($10 for students) you can listen to the tunes offered up by the Stompy Jones band at the Ashkenaz Music & Dance Community Center at 9:00 tonight. And, as the band plays the melodies of the ‘30s, ‘40s and ‘50s, you can learn a few new moves from the East Coast swing dance lesson, taught by Nathan Dias. So ring up your reservations at (510) 525-5054 (or order online), slip into your dancing shoes, and truck on down to 1317 San Pablo Avenue for a (literal) night of song and dance.

We all know about comic books and graphic novels, but are there any webcomic enthusiasts in our readership? Are you curious about this new form of comic? If so, you may want to meet up the Webcomic Underdogs as they hold their informal get together tomorrow night, right here in Berkeley. The meeting will be at Café La Renaissance (not too far from us) at 3045 Shattuck Avenue, beginning at 4:00PM. For two hours, attendees can network and learn about anything and everything that has to do with webcomics – from concept and art to marketing and monetization. At 6:00, you have the option of joining the Webcomic Underdogs as they journey to the art haven known as Tr!ckster (2631 Ashby Avenue) for the opening of the exhibit, “Hither and Yon – the Art of Travel.” (Oh, the phone number for Café La Renaissance is (510) 705-1846, and the number for Tr!ckster is (510) 665-8900.)

Our Sunday event is one that will interest anyone who is a gardening enthusiast. Do those of you with ‘green thumbs’ know about wick bedding planters? They are an economical invention that saves time and water in tending to your garden. If you have a garden or plan on starting one, consider registering for the Wick Bed Garden Workshop to be held at Urban Adamah, an educational farm and community center that is located at 1050 Parker Street. The registration price is $25, and covers all materials. Start time is 2:00PM. If this sounds like you’d like to attend call (510) 649-1595 or email NOW, so that your space and materials will be ready for you to learn and go to work. (Yes, you will not only learn more about wick bedding planters, but you will design, build, and keep your own. Happy gardening!)

Well, to quote the song from Rodgers & Hammerstein’s “Carousel,” it seems that “June is bustin’ out all over” in Berkeley. We hope that this weekend is a fun one for you, and that you take in one or more of the events listed above. For other options, click here. And (yeah, here it comes) if you do attend one of these events, and you wear glasses or contact lenses – use them! Don’t you want to see how to dance the new steps, view the comics, or examine the gardens? We thought so.

Thanks for reading…enjoy the weekend…and keep your sites on healthy vision.

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