Friday, August 30, 2013

Looking at Labor Day, from Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley

Ah, Labor Day! That national holiday which honors the working men and women across America; white collar, blue collar, laborer and professional. Everyone at Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley hopes that you all enjoy this holiday that takes place every first Monday in September. This day for many people is one of relaxation. But if you are looking for some things to do, look no further!

Do you own a ‘point and shoot’ camera? If so, today is your lucky day. This evening at 5:30, Looking Glass Photo will hold a class on how to get the most out of this hi-tech shutter machine. Discover everything about ISO, shooting styles, focus, and more from Bay Area photographer Tom Borello. Ticket price is $69, but if you are passionate about photography and want to learn more, it’s worth the price. Bring your camera, a fully charged battery, and instruction book to 2848 Telegraph Ave. To learn more, call (510) 548-6888.

Football fans can get an early start on the season by attending the college game between the California Golden Bears and the Northwestern Wildcats, tomorrow night at 7:30 pm. The game will be played at the University of Berkeley’s Memorial Stadium, at Bancroft Way and Warring Street. For further information, call 510-642-2444. (Take note: since the game is tomorrow, there may not be a lot of prime seating available. If you decide to go, you may be seated near the back of the stadium. Needless to say, clean your eyeglasses or contact lenses so that you can see what you can as clearly as you can.)

Live music, anyone? Local band (San Francisco local, that is) FAT OPIE celebrates their prolific accomplishment of having released five albums (this year alone, mind you) down at The Starry Plough Irish Pub & Restaurant. Located at 3101 Shattuck Avenue (what a coincidence – the street that Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley is on!), show time is tomorrow night at 10:00pm. Call (510) 841-0188 to find out more. Additionally, culture vultures can get their dose of live music at The Hillside Club on Sunday afternoon at 2:00 as Giuseppe Verdi’s opera Rigoletto takes center stage. The Hillside Club is located at 2286 Cedar St. To learn more, call (707) 864-5508.

As for Monday…well…it’s Labor Day. Take the day off and relax. We hope we’ve given you some interesting options for spending this last weekend of summer. To all of you University of Berkeley students, we’ll see you in September.

Not to belabor the point (yes, we hear you groaning), but be sure to keep your vision needs in order. Like we mentioned before, keep your contact lenses moist, your eyeglasses clean, and, if you are spending a lot of time outdoors this weekend, your sunglasses on.

Thanks for reading. Be safe…and keep your sites on healthy vision.

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