Friday, July 26, 2013

Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley Says Goodbye to July.

With the last weekend of July upon us, the summer season has one month to go (man, time flies!). If you are looking for something to do this weekend, Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley would like to offer up a few suggestions of things to do and places to visit.

If you want to do something different and you have the time tonight, consider some Thingamajigs. No, we are not being casual with our English. The Thingamajigs Performance Art Group will present a pastiche of music, art and improvisational theatre at University of Berkeley’s Art and Pacific Film Archive, at 7:30 this evening. For more information, call 510-642-0808.

Kite enthusiasts, young and old, take note: this weekend, the Berkeley Kite Festival will be flying high (literally and figuratively). Between 10AM to 5PM, a multitude of colors, shapes, sizes and types of kites will be adorning the sky above Cesar E. Chavez Park at the Berkeley Marina. Click here for further information. If you have never experienced this unique event, take a chance and make a visit (it should be easy to find – just follow the crowd of flying kites). Remember to wear your sunglasses!

School spirit meets local history at the “Glorious Past, Glorious Future: Celebrating California Memorial Stadium” exhibit at the Bancroft Library. This exhibit pays tribute to the arena that has been the home playing field for the University of Berkeley’s football team, the Golden Bears. You can visit this event today, and next Monday through Wednesday. Call 510-642-3782 for further information. (Just an FYI, this exhibit finishes on Wednesday, July 31).

We close this blog with an event that is dear to our hearts, which is Steps to Natural Eyesight Improvement. Again, this is one night event, and it is happening tonight, beginning at 7:00 at Books Inc., located at 1760 Fourth St. As often as we entreat our readers to take care of their vision by scheduling eye exams and keeping their eyeglass and contact lens prescriptions up-to-date, an in-person lecture about eye care can sometimes make more of an impact. For ticket information, call 510-525-7777.

Well, we hope that we’ve given you some ideas on how you can end July in Berkeley. For more choices, visit the Entertainment and Events page of the San Francisco Chronicle.

Thanks for reading. Be safe…and keep your sites on healthy vision.

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