Friday, June 21, 2013

Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley helps you keep an EYE on your Health

When most people decide to lose weight and eat healthier, they don’t consider the impact that these changes have on the health of their eyes. Research has shown, however, that maintaining a healthy weight is essential to long-term eye health. According to Dr. Rachel J. Bishop of the National Eye Institute, being overweight increases your risk of developing diabetes and other systemic conditions, which can lead to vision-threatening complications such as diabetic eye disease.

As we begin to get in shape for swimsuit season,
Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley wishes to remind you that when you keep up with a healthy lifestyle, you are not only modifying your physical appearance, but doing what is essential for optimal long-term eyesight.

Summer is the perfect time to begin incorporating healthy snacks into your daily diet, as fruits and vegetables become more readily available. While carrots are known as the best food for your eyes, dark leafy greens such as spinach and kale actually promote healthy eyes, too! Eating out in Berkeley at a seafood restaurant, like
Skates on the Bay?  Try their smoked salmon or wild halibut, which has been found to benefit our eyes from the omega-3 fatty acids.

In addition to exercising and eating healthy foods, the optometrists at Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley recommend:

1. Always wear your sunglasses – even when it is overcast, the ultraviolet rays of the sun are still harmful.
2. Scheduling your annual
eye exam. Because many eye problems have no obvious signs or symptoms, early diagnosis and treatment are important for maintaining eye health and preventing vision loss.

Most vision problems are preventable; if you begin making these adjustments into your daily routine, it’s likely that you will enjoy great vision throughout your lifetime.

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