Friday, January 4, 2013

Common Sense for Seeing from Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley

So, did we all have a festive New Year’s celebration? (Every year, the staff of Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley has grown used to seeing a fair share of blood-shot eyes every few days after January 1st.) No matter. We wish you a happy new year, and may all your wishes come true, and goals be met.

As we welcome 2013, however, there are some major concerns in the U.S. government. “Fiscal cliff” is the term on everybody’s lips today. The Senate has been sequestered, and a compromised bill was agreed upon, but the country will be very careful as to how and what they will spend their money on. Meeting goals and seeing wishes come true will be challenging in the year ahead.

At times like these, one must keep their priorities in order. The purchase of a new sound system or 3D television may be put on hold. People may not go out to dinner as much. Vacation plans may be scaled down. In a nutshell, necessities trump luxuries as far as spending goes.

One priority that is risky to cut corners on, however, is your health. Make an appointment for a physical, even if you need to pay for it. Don’t wait until you are sick, or you may wind up paying more than just money…

By now you can probably see (no pun intended) where this blog is going. That’s right; you should not neglect your eyesight. Then again, who said eye care had to be expensive?  Do you know about CareCredit®, which is the leading healthcare payment program in the country? Check your local newspapers or online sites for coupons, and take advantage of them.  As a matter of fact, for a couple of current deals at Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley, click here and scroll down to the bottom of the web page.

Schedule that checkup for an eye exam. If you see an optician or eye doctor on a yearly basis, keep up this practice. If you find that you do need glasses, or have to upgrade your prescription, do so, and purchase the most basic frame to go with the lenses. If you look at life through contact lenses, find the most reasonable set that matches your prescription.

The times ahead may be financially tricky for some. As you climb the proverbial cliff (as in fiscal), keep a slow and steady grip. While you figure and narrow down a budget, remember not to skimp on what is truly important – namely, your health, and particularly, the health of your eyes. In the final analysis, paying out some money for this most precious sense is a bargain at any price.

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