Friday, November 9, 2012

Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley CA Asks: How Are You Seeing Your Schoolwork?

To you young people who have gone from high school to college – its lesson time. The name of this lecture is “Basic Vision Health” and your instructors are the staff at Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley.

University of Berkeley students, you’ve had time to get acclimated to your new classes and professors, and have hopefully had some time to hang out with friends and enjoy campus life.

But let us focus on schoolwork. In days gone by, teachers would stand at a blackboard, talking and writing, or lecture in front of a podium. Students would listen and (hopefully) learn what was being taught. Then, at home or in the dorm room, homework assignments that ranged from reports to term papers would be written in spiral notebooks or typed out on typewriters.

Things changed – you lucky kids, you!

With the technological revolution, computers – whether they are PCs, Macs®, laptops or tablets – have been a prime accessory in education. From researching course-related material to writing those reports – it is a safe bet that every college student has some form of computer device to assist them in their studies. Oh, and let’s not forget socializing with friends after class (well, we HOPE you are not socializing DURING class). Computers and social life go hand-in-hand; Facebook posts and Twitter tweets to keep in contact with friends is a given.

What is not a given, however, is how long your eyes will hold out. No, this is not a scare tactic to make you curb the extent you use your computer for classwork, nor is it an excuse to stop doing your schoolwork. What we at Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley are requesting, however, is to keep your eyes healthy. The computer screens you are in front of all day may result in eyestrain – if not checked. Make sure you have the right lighting, that your display is (reasonably) current, and that the settings of the display are adjusted properly. For more details about how to avoid eye strain, check out this list from All About Vision®.

That takes care of the computer. Now let’s take care of YOU. Once a year, please, be sure you get your eyes checked. If you wear eyeglasses or contact lenses, please make sure your prescription is up to date. Remember that while computers are a luxury that some of us more mature (O.K. – older) people did not have, the risk for eyestrain was also not as great for us as it is for you. Eyestrain may start to creep up on you without you being conscious of it.

When you began college, you more than likely had some form of student advisor to counsel you about school. Well, why not let Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley serve as your vision advisor? We can and will keep you in the know about the health of your vision.

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