Friday, October 19, 2012

Your Child + An Eye Exam at Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley = A Successful School Year

Was an eye exam included in your son or daughter’s back-to-school preparations? If you’re like most parents across the United States, you probably only purchased new supplies and clothes for your children’s return to the classroom. Fortunately, it is not too late to take the preventative measure of an eye exam at Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley.

Although it’s only one month into the school year, there are palpable signs that it’s time for your child to see an optician.

Does your child…
- Hold a book closer than normal?
- Sit too close to the television?
- Squint often?
- Perform below his or her potential in school?

If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, it could be a direct result of your child’s vision. Twenty-five percent of school-age children have vision problems, according to the American Optometric Association. If your son or daughter is falling behind at school, don’t let frustration takeover; instead, schedule an appointment with your neighborhood Site for Sore Eyes optician for a professional eye exam.

This healthcare appointment should be treated with as much importance as any other doctor’s visit, since unidentified vision problems can impair the growth and development of children. In fact, problems such as lazy eye are best treated if they are detected and corrected as early as possible, while the child's vision system is still developing.

And remember, even if your children already wear prescription glasses, they should still have an annual checkup by an eye doctor to screen for vision changes.

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