Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley CA Roots for the A’s and U!

The Oakland A’s have clinched one of the American League’s two wild-card playoff spots, by defeating the Texas Rangers… talk about defying the odds!

This improbable win comes after a six-year retreat from the Major League baseball postseason. Although the youthful players are happy with their success, they do not take these games flippantly.

If you’ve ever played ball for a school team or simply as a leisurely pursuit with your neighborhood friends, surely you understand the hand-eye coordination that is essential to this sport. Now imagine how these professionals must train to successfully compete in the major leagues. While proper throwing and a strong arm can be developed, it must begin at an early age and perfected by hours upon hours of practice. “See the ball, hit the ball” must occur before factors such as swing, stance, and even hand positioning can be enhanced.

Wondering how these professionals improve their hand-eye coordination? Many teams have their players perform hitting drills again, and again, and again. These include practicing short toss and soft toss with a partner, as well as using a pitching machine set to various speeds and pitches. And for the Oakland A’s, their batting practice has clearly paid off.

Although it’s unlikely that you’re a professional ball player, you can defy the odds just as the A’s did, by defeating eye disease. To start, when was your last eye exam? While most people wait until their eyes begin bothering them before getting a checkup, the experts at
Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley recommend that individuals with a family history of glaucoma or macular degeneration get a professional eye exam every year. Next, evaluate your current eating habits and lifestyle. Most people don’t realize that smoking or drinking excessively, along with an unhealthy diet, can significantly increase your risk of eye disease.

So, ensure that you can see your Oakland A’s compete in the playoffs by beginning to protect your most delicate human sense that is particularly prone to disease and degeneration. Avoid this by taking care of your eyes, and you can chalk up one homerun for your sense of health and well-being!

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