Friday, October 17, 2014

Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley: Costume Contact Lenses, Anyone?

Yeah, Halloween is two weeks away, but everyone here at Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley is keyed up and excited for October 31st! What can we say? Between the ghostly and ghoulish decorations and displays that adorn every door and window around Constitution Square, to the fact that a city that is as arts-and-crafts-oriented as Berkeley is – we are in full Halloween mode.

Within the next couple of weeks, colorful costumes will be put together, assembled, or purchased. True Halloween-enthusiasts go all-out. And we also notice (as well we eye care professionals should), that some fanatics will costume themselves up to the last detail – to their very eyes. Are you one of these individuals? Read on…

Yes, specialized contact lenses that will make you look scary, mysterious…or just different and can stamp some memorable spark to your costume. And the variety! Even we were amazed at the costume contacts that are available. You can find any type of vampire (well, the ones from Anne Rice and “Twilight” kind. We were disappointed we could not locate a replica of Christopher Lee as “Dracula,” but we digress). Additionally, werewolves, zombies, wild animals and ghouls of any sort are available. (There is even a set of contacts for “My Little Pony.”) In short, name a creature of some sort or other, and there is a set of contact lenses to match.

But take care. One very important thing we want to alert you about is be mindful of the place you shop for your costume contact lenses: Be sure that the store sells lenses that are FDA-approved, and that you present the sales person with a prescription. Why is this so important? Keep reading…"

We don’t mean to put a damper on your Halloween happiness, but we must be responsible in ensuring that YOU are responsible when it comes to obtaining a pair of costume contact lenses. In the excitement of getting your ghoul get-up together, don’t just buy a pair of contacts in some souvenir shop just because they look cool (or are inexpensive). This would not only be careless on your part, but it is illegal for a merchant to sell these without a prescription. These costume lenses require the same delicate care and tending that standard contacts do.

So…now you know some facts about finding costume contact lenses, be they fun or freaky. For more detailed information on choosing and caring for contact lenses at Halloween, check out this article on

Thanks for reading…enjoy the weekend…and keep your sites on Halloween-healthy vision.

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