Friday, November 16, 2012

Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley is Thankful for Thanksgiving Dinner

It’s hard to forget that Thanksgiving is less than one week away, with those enticing commercials for Pillsbury Crescent rolls on TV, along with every grocery store full of the traditional holiday staples, like stuffing and cranberry sauce.

As you prepare for your Thanksgiving celebration, keep in mind that there are ways to make this filling feast of food, family and giving thanks, healthier. If your main dish is turkey, you are already nourishing yourself with a low fat protein that is rich in zinc, an important mineral for maintaining healthy eyesight… it’s your side dishes and desserts that you should be wary of. Did you know that candied sweet potatoes and a creamy green bean casserole are considered to be two of the unhealthiest Thanksgiving dishes?

Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley would like to provide you with some tips to ensure that your holiday is delicious AND nutritious:
-When planning your holiday menu, consider adding fish whenever possible, as it is a great source of zinc and omega-3 fatty acids.
-When grocery shopping, stock up on your veggies and leafy greens, such as spinach, broccoli and asparagus, which contain Vitamin C and E, and help prevent and reduce macular degeneration.
-When preparing your turkey, don’t skimp out by spraying it with an oil spray; instead, lather it in butter – a surprisingly good source of Vitamin A, which is an important nutrient for healthy eyes.

And remember, not only are you making healthy choices for your stomach, heart and skin…but your eyes, too! Use this resource from your friends at Site for Sore Eyes Berkeley when preparing for the holidays, and we guarantee that you won’t sacrifice taste for healthy living.

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